Hey Buddy, (I seem to call you that more than your name, but you seem to know your real name so that's good).
Anyway, last night I had the pleasure of putting you and Eleanor down by myself as your mom and Pappa went to a Ziggy Marley concert. Eleanor was nice enough to hang out in her bed until I put you down (and she actually fell asleep all by herself which was awesome - hopefully we can start a trend). Anyway, after I fed you a bottle you rubbed your eyes and popped up from laying in my arms to your normal sitting facing me in my arms position. You looked me in the eyes then leaned in and gave me a kiss followed by a big hug. You then leaned back again (I thought you were going to push away and want to get down as you often fight going to sleep - think that's me in you.) looked at me and then leaned back in and gave me a kiss followed by a big hug. After that you just slid down a bit and laid your head on my chest and promptly went to sleep.
That nearly made me cry little guy. It was definitely one of the first unprompted signs of affection you've given me. Sure, you'll hug me now and then when I instigate it, but this was all you and so awesome!
Before we chose to have a 2nd kid, I know your mom and I both wondered how we could love another child as much as we did Eleanor, but we humans are amazing and I've definitely found every bit of love for you that I have for Eleanor. Thanks for coming into our lives and for being such an amazing kid!
I love you bunches!